Poker Pfr Meaning

So you’ve been using poker tracking software and its accompanying poker HUD for a while now. Do you fully grasp what each stat is within your HUD and how to use them for maximum benefit and profits at the tables?

This is the second in a series of posts dedicated to understanding the various stats within your poker tracking software and your poker HUD. This first stat is one of the most useful and easier to understand stats: PFR or Pre-flop Raise. Please check out the first post in this series revolving around the pre-flop stat, VPIP.

PFR Essentials

This is a discussion on Your understanding of what PFR means within the online poker forums, in the Poker Software & Tools section; Kind of a parallel topic to the VPIP thread I created over a. A high PFR lets us know that a player is raising and playing a lot of their preflop hands aggressively. A low PFR can mean various things, and this is why we usually look at VPIP and PFR together. A large gap between those VPIP and PFR implies that a player is more passive, whereas a small gap implies they are more aggressive in general. In this VPIP & PFR video I cover the following:. What is VPIP and PFR. How to interpret these poker HUD stat%'s. Understanding which poker hands fall wit. Beginners Circle. PreFlopRaise – Making a raise before the flop. My standard PFR is 3 times the big blind.

Here’s a bullet list of the important aspects to PFR that every serious online poker player needs to know.

  • PFR is counted every time you make any type of raise (2b/3b+) and it’s a great indication of aggression (high = aggressive and wants to build pots or bluff, low = passivity and keeps pots small)
  • This stat needs to be in your poker HUD as you should be using it in every hand you play against each of your opponents.
  • It’s calculated as:
  • This is a good indication of their raising range, so use the % to equate to the range of hands they play using the Poker Range Chromatic (or create your own).
  • To increase your PFR %, open wider IP and avoid playing hands OOP. And please, don’t ever open limp.
  • Pre-flop aggression tends to carry-over to post-flop play; so if you don’t have good post-flop stats on an opponent, PFR can give you some insight into how he plays post-flop.
  • You should keep PFR in a pop-up by position as well as this can let you know if your opponent is positionally aware or not: PFR should increase as position gets later. Here’s an example of PFR by position in my RFI pop-up (PFR is the fifth line):

UO PFR is unopened preflop raise. It is the percentage of the time that you raise given that everyone has folded to you. In your case, for example, if everyone folds to you in the cutoff, you raise 15.6% of the time.

  • PFR is very useful on its own, but gains greater significance when coupled with VPIP.

Understand the Gap Between VPIP and PFR

  • VPIP and PFR are a powerful combination to look at when making pre-flop decisions. You need to have enough pre-flop aggression in poker to take advantage of the timidity of other players and to have initiative post-flop.
  • VPIP is a player’s raises + calls, so if a large part of their VPIP is raising, then they’re an aggressive player.
  • VPIP on its own tells you if a player is loose or tight, but VPIP & PFR together tells you if they’re passive or aggressive.
  • You need to be raising at least ½ of the hands you play, preferably you should be at 75%+. If you’re raising less, maybe you’re a 20/8 player, you just aren’t being aggressive enough pre-flop, which makes it harder to take down pots post-flop. Inversely, a player at 20/18 is playing 20% of hands (33+ A2s+ A4o+ KTs+ and KQo) which is a pretty strong range, and he’s raising almost all of these hands. This is good b/c you don’t know if he’s raising w/A7o or KK. The 20/8 player on the other hand is prolly raising only the top 8% of hands, or 88+ A8s+ ATo+ and KQs, a much narrower range and easier to play against.
  • The bigger the gap, the more often they cold call bets or limp pre-flop. Narrow gaps cold call with a smaller and stronger range.
  • Most fish have a large gap which means they’re passive players and they have a passive and weak preflop strategy as they call too often.
  • You don’t want your own gap to be too small or big (but you want to look for these opponents to attack). Even a 20/18 is a very tight gap, and 20/8 is too big of a gap. Small gaps mean you play too fit or fold pre-flop or you’re just overly aggressive with weaker hands, and both can mean less money won without showdown. Big gaps mean you cold call too much and play without the initiative, and you’ll probably loose to a lot of cbets and on too many rivers due to weak holdings.

PFR Tutorial in PokerTracker 4

I use PokerTracker 4, and highly recommend it. Please check out this post where I discuss and show you (via video) some of the PT4 basic features.

In the video below, I show you specifically how you can filter your hands for PFR and how you can review your hands by position or hand strength in order to assess your PFR skills. The filters you choose can help you either learn how you can increase your PFR or decrease it, depending on which is your leak.

PFR Analysis – In-Game HUD Usage

Not only is understanding your own PFR % important, but you need to understand what this number means for each of your opponents at your table. What types of info can you glean from each opponent’s HUD by analyzing the gap between VPIP and PFR? Is there an optimal seat at the table?

Please check out the next HUD Stat post on the 3bet statistic (pre-flop 3bet).


Poker Pfr Meaning Slang

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them for me below and I’ll be sure to get back to you.

Make your next session the best one yet!

Poker Pfr Meaning

A special thanks to poker coaches Assassinato and SplitSuit for the valuable info they’ve given regarding PFR. Also, thanks to PokerTracker 4 for the great training and Leak Tracker videos and all the other coaches I’ve learned from via articles, books and training videos.

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An acronym for the saying 'PUNK FUCKIN' ROCK!'. The acronym PFR got a lot bigger than the people who thought it up had intended.
Mainstream companies such as: Yahoo, Microsoft, and AOL often use the acronym 'PFR' to describe things that are 'Sub-culture' or 'alternative' in nature.
PFR can also be used as an adjective to describe things that are fun, exciting, or just plain stupid.
Punk Rocker #1: 'Hey dude, you should set yourself on fire and streak past those girls!'
Punk Rocker #2: 'PFR!'
Get the pfr neck gaiter and mug.
Anyone who protests the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election without any proof or evidence and refuses to recognize Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States of America.
After over 50 cases brought before, and thrown out of, US courts, including the Supreme Court, hundreds of Trump supporters, claiming to be a million supporters, continued to cry and protest and chant outside the White House, like a bunch of voteflakes.
Get a Voteflake mug for your girlfriend Jovana.
PFR is an acronym that means Pretty Fucking Ratchet. This word is used when people are describing someone/something as extremely ratchet but don't want others around them to know what they are saying. Therefore they say PFR.
Julianna: that girl is so ratchet!
Shae: IKR! shes a hoe. she'd screw anyone
Sam: shes PFR
Julianna: yeah shes Pretty Fucking Ratchet!
Shae: shhh she's coming!
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Acronym for the term Punk F**kin Rock.
Often used sarcastically to insult punk-type people.
That studded jacket and pair ofchuck taylors are so P.F.R..
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PFR - Paddock field Ryders
a term used to describe the bosses at paddock fields halls of residence in the university of Brightion, UK.
all other definitions of this term are shit and this is the true meaning. #PFR, P's up !!

Poker Pfr Meaning Urban Dictionary

you don't need no fucking example init, we're just ryders. we fuck shit up. hahahaha
P'S UP !!!!! #PFR
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Poker Pfr Meaning Synonym

Pre-Flop Raise. A Texas Hold'em term in which a players raises before the flop (first 3 cards) are turned over. This is generally frowned upon since it discourages 'poorer' players from wanting to risk their hand.
Man 1: All Johnny does to win is the classic PFR and it scares away all other players.
Man 2: Yeah, I hate Johnny.
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Post Fart Relationship. The point in a relationship when one is no embarrassedto fart in the presence of one's lover anymore. It signals a point in a relationship that a measure of romance has died. Does not apply to flatuphiles.
'Man, something small died inside of me last night. Jane cut one right in front of me last night without a word. Were now in a PFR.'
'I guess Keith and I have been together for so long that the specialness of our love life is gone. Last night after sex, he rolled over and broke wind without an apology. Were in a PFR now.'
'It sucks being in a PFR. I expect he'll start picking his nose in front of me and eating the boogers next.'
Get a PFR mug for your daughter Julia.
Poker pfr meaning synonym

Dec 16 trending

Poker Pfr Meaning


Poker Pfr Definition

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose
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